RPC arguments and return values

In the previous tutorials we haven’t passed nor returned any data to/from the RPC handler. In this tutorial we will see how to send data as arguments to the RPC, and return data from the RPC.

We will take the example of an RPC that computes the sum of two numbers sent by the client.

Input/output structure

First, we need to declare the types of the RPC arguments and return values. This is done using the Mercury macros found in the mercury_macros.h header, as follows.

types.h (show/hide)

#ifndef PARAM_H
#define PARAM_H

#include <mercury.h>
#include <mercury_macros.h>


MERCURY_GEN_PROC(sum_out_t, ((int32_t)(ret)))


Client code

The following code looks up the address of the server, then sends an RPC to the server.

client.c (show/hide)

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mercury.h>
#include "types.h"

typedef struct {
    hg_class_t*   hg_class;
    hg_context_t* hg_context;
    hg_id_t       sum_rpc_id;
    int           completed;
} client_state_t;

hg_return_t lookup_callback(const struct hg_cb_info *callback_info);
hg_return_t sum_completed(const struct hg_cb_info *info);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    hg_return_t ret;

    if(argc != 3) {
        printf("Usage: %s <protocol> <server_address>\n",argv[0]);
        printf("Example: %s tcp tcp://\n",argv[0]);
    char* protocol = argv[1];
    char* server_address = argv[2];

    client_state_t state;
    state.completed = 0;

    state.hg_class = HG_Init(protocol, HG_FALSE);
    assert(state.hg_class != NULL);

    state.hg_context = HG_Context_create(state.hg_class);
    assert(state.hg_context != NULL);

    state.sum_rpc_id = MERCURY_REGISTER(state.hg_class, "sum", sum_in_t, sum_out_t, NULL);

    ret = HG_Addr_lookup(state.hg_context, lookup_callback, &state, server_address, HG_OP_ID_IGNORE);

        unsigned int count;
        do {
            ret = HG_Trigger(state.hg_context, 0, 1, &count);
        } while((ret == HG_SUCCESS) && count && !state.completed);
        HG_Progress(state.hg_context, 100);

    ret = HG_Context_destroy(state.hg_context);
    assert(ret == HG_SUCCESS);

    hg_return_t err = HG_Finalize(state.hg_class);
    assert(err == HG_SUCCESS);
    return 0;

hg_return_t lookup_callback(const struct hg_cb_info *callback_info)
    hg_return_t ret;

    /* We get the pointer to the engine_state here. */
    client_state_t* state = (client_state_t*)(callback_info->arg);

    assert(callback_info->ret == 0);
    hg_addr_t addr = callback_info->info.lookup.addr;

    hg_handle_t handle;
    ret = HG_Create(state->hg_context, addr, state->sum_rpc_id, &handle);
    assert(ret == HG_SUCCESS);

    sum_in_t in;
    in.x = 42;
    in.y = 23;

    ret = HG_Forward(handle, sum_completed, state, &in);
    assert(ret == HG_SUCCESS);

    ret = HG_Addr_free(state->hg_class, addr);
    assert(ret == HG_SUCCESS);

    return HG_SUCCESS;

hg_return_t sum_completed(const struct hg_cb_info *info)
    hg_return_t ret;

    client_state_t* state = (client_state_t*)(info->arg);

    sum_out_t out;
    assert(info->ret == HG_SUCCESS);

    ret = HG_Get_output(info->info.forward.handle, &out);
    assert(ret == HG_SUCCESS);

    printf("Got response: %d\n", out.ret);

    ret = HG_Free_output(info->info.forward.handle, &out);
    assert(ret == HG_SUCCESS);

    ret = HG_Destroy(info->info.forward.handle);
    assert(ret == HG_SUCCESS);

    state->completed = 1;

    return HG_SUCCESS;

The main difference compared with the previous tutorial is that we pass a pointer to a sum_in_t structure to HG_Forward, as well as a completion callback sum_completed. This completion callback will be called when the server has responded. In this callback, HG_Get_output is used to retrieve the output data sent by the server. We need to call HG_Free_output to free the output after using it. Note also that HG_Destroy is now used in the completion callback rather than after HG_Forward.

Server code

server.c (show/hide)

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mercury.h>
#include "types.h"

typedef struct {
    hg_class_t*     hg_class;
    hg_context_t*   hg_context;
    int             num_rpcs;
} server_state;

static const int TOTAL_RPCS = 10;

hg_return_t sum(hg_handle_t h);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    hg_return_t ret;

    if(argc != 2) {
        printf("Usage: %s <server address>\n", argv[0]);

    const char* server_address = argv[1];

    server_state state; // Instance of the server's state
    state.num_rpcs = 0;

    state.hg_class = HG_Init(server_address, HG_TRUE);
    assert(state.hg_class != NULL);

    char hostname[128];
    hg_size_t hostname_size = 128;
    hg_addr_t self_addr;
    HG_Addr_self(state.hg_class, &self_addr);
    HG_Addr_to_string(state.hg_class, hostname, &hostname_size, self_addr);
    printf("Server running at address %s\n",hostname);
    HG_Addr_free(state.hg_class, self_addr);

    state.hg_context = HG_Context_create(state.hg_class);
    assert(state.hg_context != NULL);

    hg_id_t rpc_id = MERCURY_REGISTER(state.hg_class, "sum", sum_in_t, sum_out_t, sum);

    /* Attach the local server_state to the RPC so we can get a pointer to it when
     * the RPC is invoked. */
    ret = HG_Register_data(state.hg_class, rpc_id, &state, NULL);

        unsigned int count;
        do {
            ret = HG_Trigger(state.hg_context, 0, 1, &count);
        } while((ret == HG_SUCCESS) && count);

        HG_Progress(state.hg_context, 100);
    } while(state.num_rpcs < TOTAL_RPCS);

    ret = HG_Context_destroy(state.hg_context);
    assert(ret == HG_SUCCESS);

    ret = HG_Finalize(state.hg_class);
    assert(ret == HG_SUCCESS);

    return 0;

hg_return_t sum(hg_handle_t handle)
    hg_return_t ret;
    sum_in_t in;
    sum_out_t out;

    const struct hg_info* info = HG_Get_info(handle);
    server_state* state = HG_Registered_data(info->hg_class, info->id);

    ret = HG_Get_input(handle, &in);
    assert(ret == HG_SUCCESS);

    out.ret = in.x + in.y;
    printf("%d + %d = %d\n",in.x,in.y,in.x+in.y);
    state->num_rpcs += 1;

    ret = HG_Respond(handle,NULL,NULL,&out);
    assert(ret == HG_SUCCESS);

    ret = HG_Free_input(handle, &in);
    assert(ret == HG_SUCCESS);
    ret = HG_Destroy(handle);
    assert(ret == HG_SUCCESS);

    return HG_SUCCESS;

On the server side, we use HG_Get_input to deserialize the input data into a sum_in_t structure. We use HG_Free_input when we are done with the input data. HG_Respond now takes a pointer to a sum_out_t object to return to the client.